Church Music is a crucial part of Christian faith. Platforms for students to bring their music talents into full play in different gathering within or outside the campus. We aim to spread the love of Christ via band music and choral music, while edify one another in serving the Lord.
Conductor: Mr. Caleb Woo
Regular Rehearsal on Every Friday 6:45pm
HKBU Christian Choir is dedicated to praise God with choral music and to spread the love of Christ. Other than campus performances, the Choir will organize different activities and local/overseas service projects to care for the society. Members can edify one another and grow in life through sacred music.
Coach: Mr. Ng Ka Ho
Regular Rehearsal on Every Tuesday 6:45pm
HKBU Christian Band aims to equip band members in music and spirituality to become all-round music minsters. Each year, the Band organizes different Christian activities, outreach events and annual concerts, to witness, preach and serve via band music.
TheoMusicHK, founded in 2022, is an online theological reflective music platform, aims at publicizing theological education.
Through producing different themes of theological content of music videos and multi-media, with articles written by different theological seminary teachers and experts, general public could comprehensively understand more about our religion and the relationship between theological theories, society and lives.