Talk One: 22/3/2024 (Fri)
God's actions and the operations of the human world
Time: 19:30
Performer: HKBU Christian Choir
Talk Two: 23/3/2024 (Sat)
God's Word and human writings
Time: 19:30
Performer: HKBU Christian Band
Talk Three: 24/3/2024 (Sun)
Communities of saints and communities of sinners
Time: 19:30
Performer: Hosanna Chanters
Director, Divinity School of Chung Chi College
Associate Professor, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
葉菁華博士在1989年於香港中文大學新聞傳播學系本科畢業後,曾任職電台記者。後來返回中大攻讀神道碩士課程,畢業後赴美國哈佛大學神學院, 2004年取得神學博士學位,翌年起在香港中文大學崇基學院神學院事奉,主要任教系統神學科目,其研究興趣為基督教與社會的關係。著作包括 Capitalism as Religion? A Study of Paul Tillich’s Interpretation of Modernity 及 《我們信:尼西亞信經釋義》(與盧龍光合著)。他是香港基督教循道衞理聯合教會義務教士。他喜歡同學稱呼他「青蛙老師」。
Kowloon Tong MTR Station (Exit A2)
Take 29A minibus at Exit D, Kowloon Tong MTR Station.
Get off at Hong Kong Baptist Hospital
KMB: 2B, 2F, 3C, 7, 208, 72X, 80M, 81C, 85, 85A, 85B, 86C, 87D, 270A, 271, 281A, 281M, 103, 170, 182
Citybus: E22